Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Weekend spending

Saturday was a no-spend day. Yay :)

Sunday I went to a Star Wars exhibition at the Power House Museum with my brother and Dad. We are all science fiction fans and it was nice to find something that we were all interested in doing.

The exhibit was $24 - if you like Star Wars it was interesting, but I'm not sure if it was worth the $24. It is probably better if you take some kids to it - there were a lot of things for them to do.

We went to lunch afterwards, then my brother took me shopping - Coles (supermarket) had 34cm TVs for $49.99! Now I know this was a want rather than a need, but I had been thinking of getting a TV in my room for a while, and $50 is a great price. Also bought a few groceries.

So the cost of Sunday was:
Exhibit: $24.00
Lunch: $13.10
TV: $49.99
Groceries: $27.15

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