Monday, March 9, 2009


I had a bad day today. I really don't know why. I'm just cranky today.

It started off well - actually it started off being a rainy day and me wishing I could stay in bed rather than go to work - but once I actually got to work it was ok. As I mentioned in my post "career path", there is some potential restructuring happening at work. I can't say too much about it, but there was a big meeting on Friday which became a bit of a mud slinging match. Nothing that was directed at me, but everyone in our department was a bit down. I didn't think I was any more down than anyone else, but my boss actually called me this morning to reassure me that my job would be safe and to talk about further opportunities next year. I thought that was really nice of her, and I started to cheer up.

Then for some reason I just got really pissed off as the day went on. I had a headache and it wasn't helped by the fact that I work at a uni - today was the first day of classes so there were students everywhere (now, still being a student myself, I have nothing against them per se - but please DO NOT STOP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STAIR WELL TO HAVE A CHAT WITH YOUR FRIENDS!! I was almost tempted to yell out "FIRE" to get them to move).

Home now working on an assignment which is due tomorrow for one of my post-grad courses but am going to treat myself to a bubble bath tonight before going to bed - a nice cheap way to relax.

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