Thursday, March 26, 2009

Medical/Dental costs

I have been sick for about a week and a half. Not fun. Went to the doctor's on the weekend and got some antibiotics, which obviously has a cost.

And, I have managed to chip a tooth. Well, it is either a chip or a hole, but it is not painful at all, so I think it's a chip. But I don't know how I did it, it wasn't like I bit down on something and felt the tooth break. It is at the back of a tooth, so luckily not obvious, but I can see it the missing bit when I hold a mirror in my mouth. So I have a dentist's appointment next Monday. I don't have a big problem with dentists, I always make sure I go every six months for a clean/checkup (my Mum spent enough on my teeth when I was a teenager that I want to take care of them!); but it still isn't exactly on my list of Top 10 fun things to do.

I'm concerned about the cost, my private health cover will cover some of it, so I'm hoping it's not too expensive. But I would prefer to get it dealt with now rather than wait in case it gets worse.

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