Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Grocery shopping

I really need to go grocery shopping - I made my lunch today and as I made it realised I have nothing left for the rest of the week for lunch. Pain in the you-know-what as I have a lecture tonight so won't have time to go shopping.

However - fate intervened and there was a lunchtime seminar at work today which I had forgotten about until I got into work and checked my calendar. This meant .... free lunch! So I can eat the lunch I brought today tomorrow, and can go grocery shopping tomorrow night so will have lunch on Thursday and Friday.

I really need to organise my life. I didn't go grocery shopping on the weekend because I was sick, and because I still have food in the house for dinners (frozen vegies, meat etc), I thought - oh, I'll be fine for the week.

1 comment:

mrktg said...

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