Monday, May 11, 2009

A very big spending day

Surprisingly, weekends for me are often my "better" spending days (ie. I spend less). A lot of the time during the week I waste a lot of money on buying lunches, snacks, etc. Obviously there are times when I have plans for the weekend, but often I am at home studying. (Dreaming of what my life will be like when I have finished my post-grad courses and have weekends to myself!)

This weekend wasn't one of them. Saturday was fine, I bought a loaf of bread but that was it, but yesterday.....

I've mentioned quite a few times on my blog that I needed a new computer. As much as I loved my old one, he turns seven next month - which is above and beyond the life expectancy of a laptop!

With the $900 bonus from the government, I had $1,200 in a "short-term" savings account which I had allocated in my head to a new laptop.

I saw what I thought was a decent one, my brother (who is much more computer savvy than me) agreed, so I bit the bullet and bought it.

It was $1,297 - aToshiba Satellite L300/0WC Notebook, and came with bonus Microsoft Home and Student 2007.

I'm still using my old computer to write this, I had so many assignments to do over the weekend, and spent a couple of hours going to buy the computer, so didn't have time to start playing with it.

I'm personally not a fan of Vista or Office 2007 - I prefer XP and Office 2003 - but I guess I need to keep up with the times.

So it was about what I was looking at spending, and when I get into work today (which I should be leaving for in about 7 minutes), I'm going to look at the salary sacrifice plan - apparently you can just fill in a form, take your receipt for the computer in, and they will refund the amount and then start deducting it from your salary. If I can't do that it's not a big deal because I had saved the money up, but if I could do it, it will be nice to still have money in my savings account!


Miss Melbourne said...

I have a new laptop too (well, a couple months old now) and it's my favourite toy ever. You form such an important bond with your laptop, it looks after all your money stuff (netbanking/tracking/blogging) and your photos and music. So important!!!

lol I am such a nerd...

Anonymous said...

I love salary sacrifice or salary packaging. I save so much in tax It is well worth the effort to do it.