Monday, May 18, 2009

Extra salary / salary sacrificing etc

I mentioned a while ago that I had spent most of a weekend doing some extra work - marking assignments (such a joyful job!) I got paid for it last week - came in with my normal salary.

Basically, I did an extra 13 or so hours extra work, for $488.74, which is great. However, 45.9% was taken out for tax, so the extra cash I received in my pay was $264.74. Obviously I'm still happy for the extra pay, but I will be looking forward to doing my tax this year because I think I will be due a large refund.

I looked up the salary sacrifice policy for laptops, filled out the form and sent off my receipt, so hopefully that will be processed and I will get the money refunded in my next pay or so. I have enough in my short-term savings to pay for the laptop I bought (well, all bar $50), but it would be nice to be able to pay for my laptop, keep some in short-term savings and be able to put the rest to a credit card.

I think the next couple of months will be better financially - I'm continuing to do extra marking, and it looks like my work will pay for part of my Masters, so should get $2,000 mid year. (But until it is actually in my bank account I'm not counting on it!) Then hopefully I'll get my tax refund around August.

1 comment:

Herbalife Las Vegas said...

I hate it when you work extra to try to pay off debt and the tax man penalizes you for it. Frustrating. Thats why I decided to get into a Network Marketing business. Less Taxes.
Great job reducing your debt each month.