Monday, February 23, 2009

Weekend update

I had a good and bad weekend. In good news, yesterday (Sunday) and today have been no spend days.

Saturday was not so good. I went to the movies with my brother, but thought the day would be less than $20. Movie ticket: $13.50 + a bit for food (I don't usually buy movie snacks as they are ridiculoulsy overpriced!).

What the day ended up being:
Lunch: $3.90 (McDonald's seared chicken wrap + small diet coke)
Snacks: $7.40 (a small bag of Cadbury Easter eggs - which I still have some of, I only ate a couple in the movies; and a bottle of diet coke - yes I drink too much diet coke!)
Groceries: $13.50 - (some fruit, vegies and eggs)
Cake tin: $14.96 - (expensive but it's one of those silicone ones, and they are a lot more user-friendly!)
Raffle tickets: $10.00 - (my brother was selling them for Rotary)
Movie tickets: $80.00!! (The cinema had a special of 10 tickets for $100. I do like going to the movies, and this was a saving of 35%. My brother gave me $20 - his ticket for Saturday + 1 more ticket to be used in the future).

So total for the day: $129.76 ... my entertainment spending will have to drop next month.

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