Sunday, February 8, 2009


Apart from trying to get my finances in order this year, I'm also trying to get fitter and lose some weight. In the 3 years at my previous job, I put on 15kg. (That is a lot when you are only 150cm tall!) There were two simple reasons for this: 1) I was eating crap; 2) I wasn't exercising.

It took me an hour and a half to get from my front door to my desk (and the same going home). I was working long hours so I would usually leave home ridiculously early without eating breakfast, buy something evil on the way to work, buy lunch because I hadn't packed anything, and often if I was leaving work late buying something to eat for dinner (which more often than not ended up being the McDonalds at Central Station as it was the only thing open).

I shudder to think what I was spending on food every week.

Madame X (the author of - I highly recommend visiting), posted a link on her site to the article: Dieting? Put Your Money Where Your Fat Is - about people making bets to see who can lose the most weight in a certain time period - and how such bets are encouraging people to lose weight.

In my case, saving money and losing weight should go hand in hand anyway. It is so much cheaper to cook at home and bring your own luch to work, not to mention healthier. By stopping eating fast food, I should be saving money and losing weight!

(PS - I left my job in late December and have lost 6kg - not bad considering there was Christmas in the way!)


MAH said...

I would like to follow your blog, but I don't see the button.


A zillion diets have been devised but few work.