Monday, February 2, 2009


I'm a 20-something girl living in Sydney, Australia, who is in far too much credit card debt.
I have no excuse for being in this much debt. I'm an intelligent person who actually has a law degree and an ACCOUNTING degree!

I graduated from university at the end of 2005 without about $5K in credit card debt - which I said to myself I would pay off when I was in my first "professional" job (which ironically was at an accounting firm). But sadly, as my income increased, so did the offers of credit cards, and so did my credit card debt.

I left my job in December 2008 - I had been there almost 3 years and hadn't enjoyed it for over 2 of them. I made sure I had another job before I left, but because of the Christmas holidays, holidays my old boss was taking over January and the date they wanted me at my new job, I had six weeks without pay. I actually start my new job tomorrow.

I also had to move interstate.

So now, I'm on approximately $10,000 less than I was at my old job and living in a more expensive city. BUT - I'm still glad I am doing this because I really needed a change. However, I realise it is going to be even more challenging to pay off my debt.

I called this blog "Another Personal Finance Blog" because I know there are tons out there, and with the economy going the way it is I'm sure there are going to be a lot more in the future. I don't expect mine will be anything special - it's more to make me accountable to myself.