Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Blog update

Very behind in updates. Still sick, actually took a sick day yesterday, my first one since being at this job (although I did still do some work from home).

Back at work today but still not 100%.

Literally spent almost the entire weekend in bed, (apart from bathroom breaks and occassionally getting food).

There are a lot of things I want to do this financial year, including more regular updates to my blog and get some more readers/commenters. I've never aimed to have my blog make me any money; one of the reasons I've never set up adsense or anything, but I would still like to know some people are reading. There is a book I've seem on Amazon about Blogger, but am going to try to save the money and see if I can just get some tips online and through trial and error!

1 comment:

Evjam said...

I read your blog. Keep up with the debt reduction. I hope you get better soon.