Monday, March 30, 2009

Another fortnightly update

The 2nd half of March didn't go as well as the first. I really didn't expect to be over my budget by so much.

There are still a couple of days left in March, so will post a monthly summary and update my credit card list etc later this week, but this is a update for the previous fortnight (up to Saturday 28th March).

Rent: As expected.

Household: Over because I bought a $49.99 TV. Still consider this a good deal so not too concerned.

Food: I think reducing my food bills is going to be an ongoing challenge this year. At least I had a bit of money left over from my first fortnight in March, but will still be over for the month. I still throw out food and buy too many snacks.

Medical: If I keep getting massages I may need to increase this category. Maybe I should just stop getting massages!

Public transport: Over, but this includes 2 x 10 trip savers bought last week which I haven't started using, so they will last me for a while.

Mobile phone: Bill not due until next month.

Clothes: Shouldn't have bought that dress from the markets, particularly as I need to buy winter clothes

Study expenses: This put the largest dent in my budget, and this doesn't include the textbooks from Amazon I bought yesterday. Hopefully won't have many more expenses for the rest of semester.

Gifts: Under, this was an Easter egg for my Mum.

Miscellaneous: I bought a $3.00 Scratchie.

Spending: Over by a little bit, but was under last fortnight.